Smart Mirror Software Updates To VEUI 3.0.35

On March 13, 2023, there are smart mirror software updates.

The software version updates to VEUI_S3.0.35 for the "S" series of smart bathroom mirror
The software version updates to VEUI_S3.0.35 for the “S” series of smart bathroom mirror
The software version updates to VEUI_K3.0.35 for the "K" series of smart bathroom mirror
The software version updates to VEUI_K3.0.35 for the “K” series of smart bathroom mirror

SMART MIRROR SOFTWARE. The updates are available for the product series Android 11 Backlit Smart Bathroom Mirror (The “K” series) and Smart Mirror TV Bathroom (The “S” series) respectively. Through the OTA (Over-The-Air) method, we have updated the software in our server and pushed the update notice to all the related devices sold out.

Why did we make the smart mirror software updates?

It’s bug fixes to the functions SLEEP SETTINGS.

The bug was: When users chose 1 hour or 2 hours of dormant time, the devices actually sleep only 1 or 2 minutes.

Smart Mirror Bug Fixes The Sleep Settings (1 hour & 2 hours)
Smart Mirror Bug Fixes The Sleep Settings (1 hour & 2 hours)

What do users need to do for the updates?

Nothing else needs to do except press “Update” when seeing a pop-up software updates notice. It’s also available to update the SW by entering the “About” menu of the device and pressing “New version“.

Settings [icon name=”long-arrow-alt-right” prefix=”fas”] Menu “About” [icon name=”long-arrow-alt-right” prefix=”fas”] Update the SW to newer version

In case of any updates failure, clients can also contact us for support. Please kindly provide the smart mirror’s S/N number so that we can quickly fix it.