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21.5" Android Tablet Built Into A Mirror - How Cool!, NAHB 2023, Rob Swan, Swan Realty

21.5″ Android Tablet Built Into A Mirror – How Cool!, NAHB 2023, Rob Swan, Swan Realty

21.5″ Android Tablet Built Into A Mirror. How cool!

21.5″ Android Tablet Built Into A Mirror. In NAHB IBS 2023 Las Vegas Convention Center, Rob Swan of Swan Realty is discussing the product Smart Mirror TV Bathroom with Vercon Sales Representative Ava. He wrote this on his YouTube Channel:

When I first saw this product, I thought, “Who needs and Android Tablet built into their bathroom mirror?” but then I thought, if I had it would I use it? and the answer was, ” Absolutely I would” . I have Alexa’s all over my house for music, this is just a step up from Alexa. Now the music will also be accompanied by video, or anything else I want to watch on YouTube or I can access any other Android app functions, Spotify, Facebook, Audible, whatever you want. The mirrors themselves are very stylish and have an always on clock tastefully built into the bottom corner so you always know time it is when you jump out of the shower and are running late. The company is based in China and at this time they do not have a US distributer.

Rob Swan
21.5″ Android Tablet Built Into A Mirror – How Cool!, NAHB 2023, Rob Swan, Swan Realty

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